Tom Maurer

Case Study: Tom Maurer

Tom is a 27-year-old man who had in the past suffered a broken nose, had undergone major dental surgery and had recently had surgery on his left ankle. His jaw and face were very tight and restricted. His ankle had very limited range of movement. I started with the four surgical scars on Tom’s ankle. Scar tissue release work is very gentle and the scars softened and eased well.

I used lymphatic drainage to clear the inflammation in Tom’s face and some dermo-neuro modulating to allow more “space” in his face. When he left at the end of the first session his face felt more open, he was relaxed and he could smile easily. He even seemed taller.

Several sessions later, the ankle surgery scars no longer require treatment and, after using some energy healing to finish off, Tom has almost full rotational movement in his ankle – he has even been able to go indoor rock climbing again. His face is significantly less tense and pain free. He felt his face had “melted” and he felt more connected and relaxed.

Tom had this to say:

I am very grateful for her work

“Donna has created an amazing healing environment at The Healing Dimension, I always feel calm and comfortable there. Since seeing Donna for help with my ankle after an extensive surgery, I have felt much more confident with it and have noticed more freedom in its ability to move.

Donna has a very holistic approach and has helped me deal with tension throughout my body manifested through years of studying, playing high level competitive sports, and now working in a new city. This healing has helped me feel more connected within myself, and bring more clarity to my life. I am very grateful for her work!”

Get in touch with The Healing Dimension to begin your journey to healing and well-being.

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